Bouchercon Special: Free E-books

I’m honoured to have been one of the mystery/crime/thriller authors selected to promote Smashwords at Bouchercon 2015, the world mystery convention being held this weekend in Raleigh, NC.

Never Say Spy (Book 1) and The Spy Is Cast (Book 2) were included on the Smashwords USB drive given to all Bouchercon attendees.

North Carolina is a helluva long trip for most people, though, so I’m making both e-books free to everyone this weekend.  (Never Say Spy is free through all retailers, but The Spy Is Cast freebie is only available through Smashwords.)

Get the freebies from Smashwords here:

Never Say Spy (Book 1):

The Spy Is Cast (Book 2): (Enter coupon code NH25H and click the ‘Apply Coupon’ button when you check out.  The price will reset to $0.00.)

Note:  This series contains coarse language and adult content.

This deal ends tomorrow (Sunday, October 11, 2015) so please spread the word.  Thanks!


28 thoughts on “Bouchercon Special: Free E-books

  1. Thanks so much for that extension! As a reward, and to ensure that you keep them coming, here are a few more titles for you:

    The Spider and the Spy; Spy-Spy, Captain (a really naughty-cal one); Spy No More, Ladies; Downward Spy Rail (or Spy Rail Staircase); Spy, There’s the Rub; Spy a Spy Aspire; Do or Spy (or Spy or Die); Spy Nail Injury; Spy, Spy, Blackbird; The Spy and the Mighty; Fit the Right Spies; The Spied Piper (or Paper); Spied for the Love of a Lady; Spy, Spy Again; Hush, Baby, Don’t Spy; Only Have Spies for You; Spies to Despise; Won Spies Fit All; Spy me a River; With My Little Spy; Spy Noon; Spy Away Peter.


  2. All this free stuff and I have to BUY the latest book in the series? Where is your sense of fair play? Probably right there with your need for food, but that’s beside the point. I’ll show you! I might not read book 10 until 11 is finished. So there.
    OTOH I might read 10 in the meantime. You know how it is.


  3. Wooohoo congratulations, I second or is it third or forth the film idea, Hollywood mustn’t read great books.
    I really hope book 11 flows fast from your fingers i cant wait for the next one, although im currently reading andrea camilleri’s inspector montalbano im almost finished the series and will have to find someone else to read while I wait impatiently for book 11.

    I’m open to suggestions if anyone cares to suggest another great author

    hugs to all, especially you Diane and congratulations again
    Karen xx

    Liked by 2 people

      • My to be read pile is huge, both in actual books (have to do it occasionally) and my kobo. Fortunately or unfortunately the kindle I inherited died, my friends had loaded over 400 books on to it!!

        im sure you will enjoy andrea camilleri if you try him, like yours the books can be stand alone, but kinda follow on from one another.

        well time for bed, hope everyone has a great day

        hugs to all
        Karen xxx

        Liked by 2 people

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