Sometimes Words Fail Me…

…and then I draw stick people.

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This post is a prime example of the Little Guy With Pitchfork in action.  The exchange went something like this:

Me:  Time to write a blog post!

LGWP:  You should draw a comic strip instead.

Me:  I’m a writer, not a cartoonist.

LGWP:  You can draw stick people.  C’mon, it’ll be fun!

Me:  Well… yeah… I can draw stick people… kinda…  *yells*  Little Guy With Wings!  Where are you?  I need you!

*distant sound of the theme song from Jeopardy*

LGWP:  Ha!  Don’t be such a wuss.  I bet you’re too chicken to even try.  (Note:  The LGWP is a tricky little bastard, and he knows how to push my buttons – see Doin’ It On A Dare.)

Me:  Why you little…  I’ll show you!  *grabs felt pen*

The trouble is, the LGWP is not only tricky, he’s frequently right.  I do want cookies and popcorn.  The house and the laundry do need attention.  And there are only so many omelets you can eat because they’re easy to make at the last minute.  (Though I did have a particularly yummy one last night, with bacon, zucchini, onions, peppers, salsa, and feta cheese…)

Anyway, it was fun drawing this strip, but it also took me about ten times as long as writing a regular blog post.

So where was my LGWW all this time?  Drinking beer and watching Jeopardy, apparently.  I never saw so much as a feather.

It’s so hard to get good help these days.

Does anybody else have an LGWP?  Or a better LGWW than mine?

21 thoughts on “Sometimes Words Fail Me…

  1. Oh Diane…I have LOADS of goblins with me!!! It’s horrible. I can actually have myself telling myself that I need to exercise…and goblin number 239557934539.1 silently leads me to my bed where I promptly have a nap. maybe exercise isn’t exactly a good example…but dang’s for almost everything! So you aren’t the only one.

    BTW..I loved the comic strip!! 😀


  2. Pingback: Play Nicely, Kids… Please. | Diane Henders

  3. Gosh! It seem like you and I think aiike. I don’t know how many times I go through that routine you drew. I am retired and it just isn’t like it used to be. I have time to do whatever I want, but I do have a lot of things that need to be done and I just can’t find time to do it. I always end up doing what I want instead of what needs to be done. Funny how that works out. Example: Air cond. broke and I spend my time on the computer. It is kind of like, hell I can fix it a little later, not really that hot yet. Soooooo I end up on a very hot day working on my AC when I could have already had it fixed when the weather was comfortable to work in. Sometimes I really lose track of reality. One thing for sure, I am enjoying retirement.


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